Friday, September 3, 2010

Salmonella Suspected in Durham NC Foodborne Illness Outbreak

A popular restaurant in Durham, NC seems to be the site where several illnesses have originated from in recent days.  Bullock’s Barbecue is where several people ate food before later developing symptoms of food poisoning.  This well-known restaurant is the common thread between 15 people who became ill after eating at the restaurant.  County inspectors suspect Salmonella food poisoning may be to blame, but are waiting for their suspicions to be confirmed through lab work.

Investigations have been performed related to proper disposal and clean-up of potentially affected food items and equipment used to prepare foods, but thus far it has not been determined any particular food source responsible for the outbreak.  Durham County Health Director Gayle Harris stated that they have visited the restaurant and looked the production process over from beginning to end, and have no problem with the way the restaurant operates.  The kitchen area was where health inspectors began their investigation.

Harris also said that they would be talking with employees of the restaurant in order to determine if any of those who work at Bullock’s have been sick.  Health officials say that Tommy Bullock, owner of the restaurant, has been fully cooperative with officials in trying to determine how the pathogen may have spread.

Long-time devoted customers such as Merle Minor have a hard time believing that Bullock’s could have been the source of food poisoning.  Minor stated that he believes it is a fallacy that anyone says they got food poisoning at the restaurant, and that he doesn’t believe it happened there.

Harris said that samples of food and other items being tested will hopefully shed light on the source of the outbreak.  These samples are being tested in the state lab.  While loyal customers continue to vouch for the quality and reputation of the restaurant, Bullock says he fears the reports of illness will tarnish the reputation of Bullock’s.

Individuals who develop symptoms of gastroenteritis should see their doctor to make certain the illness is nothing serious or life-threatening.  Symptoms of salmonella food poisoning include nausea, abdominal cramps, diarrhea, fever and vomiting.  These symptoms are mild and last only a few days in most individuals, but those at higher salmonella injury risk could develop serious complications.  Elderly people, young children and those with compromised immune systems should seek medical attention if these symptoms develop.

If you are in need of a Salmonella food poisoning attorney, consider contacting the experienced and knowledgeable personal injury attorneys in New York at Brown Chiari!

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